Into September

It’s been a busy week. I brought work home from one show, hung another show, and found out my art has been accepted into a third show. While updating my exhibitions page, I realized that that makes six times I’ll have exhibited my work this year. Very pleased with that number. I’ve also been rejiggering … Read more

Painting Chattanooga with snow, among other things

I have a lot of different things going on in the studio this week: some paintings of the view out my window, a self portrait that I need to finish quickly for an exhibition, various mixed media experiments, and a small pile of daily paintings I want to re-work. Every single surface is covered with … Read more

Getting bigger

Now that that’s over, I’m moving on to some larger canvases, and now suddenly I have too many options. Do I focus on cityscapes next, as I had planned? Pursue Highland landscapes a bit more, as they turned out to be my favorite new subject last month? Go back to the Edinburgh pub and restaurant … Read more

Day 13: Stockbridge study

I have had the idea for a painting like this percolating in my imagination for a while now. I want to make cityscapes with a certain combination of abstract compositional elements and recognizable details. I think I’ve been worried that I wouldn’t be able to produce images that lived up to the ideas in my … Read more

Day 8: a quick sunset

This was a very quick attempt to capture a sunset in action. They change so much from moment to moment, every time I mixed a color it was obsolete a minute later. Still, a fun exercise. I have a stack of these tiny 10x15cm stretched canvases, and I’ve never known what to do with them. … Read more

Daily paintings: more Edinburgh

Edinburgh Study: Rose Street, 18 x 24 cm, oil on canvas. Available. Have I mentioned how long it takes paint to dry in Edinburgh? So much longer than in Munich. I’m still not used to living in such a humid climate. Edinburgh makes up for this minor inconvenience in other ways, luckily. I love painting … Read more