So here we are at the end of Art Every Day Month, and what a lovely month it has been. I started out painting cocktails and desserts, and ended with moody Scottish landscapes. Given that at the beginning of the month I had no plan whatsoever (beyond making & sharing art every day), it was fun to watch how things unfolded (for me, at least, and hopefully at least a bit for you, too?).
Thank you so much to everyone who has commented and given me feedback over the course of the month (especially my fellow AEDMers) – you’ve reminded me why I have an art blog in the first place: to share and talk about my work and ideas, and get reactions from others. While I love the solitude of my studio space, I also enjoy interacting with other people, even if I forget that sometimes.
All my paintings from the first half of the month are now available on Etsy, and the rest of them will be there just as soon as they are dry enough to ship. Subscribers to my newsletter will be receiving a code for free shipping, so if you’re interested, make sure you’re signed up.
I’m looking forward to developing some of the ideas from this month into larger works, or even whole series of paintings. Going forward, perhaps I’ll aim for a weekly blog post about what I’ve been up to in the studio (which would be better than the every-few-months I’ve been posting for the past year or so). Thank you all again for reading, and thank you Leah for inspiring me to make art every day for a month, yet again.
It’s Art Every Day Month! Towards the end of the month, these new daily paintings will be available to purchase in my Etsy shop. Check out Leah’s blog for more information about Art Every Day Month, or follow the discussion on Twitter with the #aedm2014 hashtag.