It’s spring in Edinburgh. The sun has been out more than not, trees and flowers are in bloom, and the days are quite noticeably longer. Everyone, even me the winter-lover, seems to be happy about the direction things are heading.
In the studio, I’m a bit all over the place. I like to be able to work on several different pieces at once. I have one area set up for oil painting, and another for mixed-media pieces. I’m also working on a wide variety of subjects at any given time. When deciding on my next subject, I flip through my photos and sketches and go with whichever one inspires me in the moment. Which I suppose is how I ended up welcoming spring with this piece depicting a chilly afternoon at Edinburgh’s Christmas market in Princes Street Garden.
I love working with images that include the skyline of Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town. It distracts me every time I walk through the city.