I have a lot of different things going on in the studio this week: some paintings of the view out my window, a self portrait that I need to finish quickly for an exhibition, various mixed media experiments, and a small pile of daily paintings I want to re-work. Every single surface is covered with stuff in progress.
Plus there’s an ever-bigger pile of dry daily paintings waiting to be scanned in, cataloged, and posted online. That’s not really going anywhere, because my art database needs to be revamped before I add any more paintings to it. I was using Bento for my database, but as that program has been discontinued, I want to get switched over to something else. I’ve been saying that for a while now, but not really doing anything about it. I think it’s time to bump it to the top of the priority list, before this backlog of paintings on the scanner gets so high it topples over.
Goodness this is a boring post. When I am not sitting down to write an art blog post, I think of all kinds of little thoughts and observations I’d like to share here. It’s all incredibly witty and entertaining, I assure you. Where those charming gems flutter off to when I actually get WordPress open, I have no idea. Perhaps I’ll do a better job of capturing them next time.
Not at all boring Julie. It’s so refreshing to hear the “human” side of artists and also consoling to know that someone else encounters organizational traffic jams. Love your artwork – it’s so very colorful and full of movement. Thanks for your inspiration.
A fan from Atlantic Canada (and man, do we have snow!)
Thanks so much for your comment and kind words, Gayle. I’m glad to hear someone enjoys posts like this.
I have all kinds of snow envy, but I imagine a lot of people in North America are quite sick of it after the winter you’ve had!