Art & Travel: Sketching Provence

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I’ve just returned from a very relaxing week on the French Riviera. It was a slow-paced trip, with plenty of time for reading, swimming, and admiring the views. I got in a bit of sketching time, as well. I love sketching in a new place. It’s such a good way to pause and really take in a new environment. In addition to capturing a bit of the visuals, I try to take notes about the temperature, sounds, smells, and movements going on around me.

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I’ve been invited to give a talk at the Edinburgh Art Fair in November on the subject of art and travel. I’m using it as an opportunity to research what other artists have to say on the subject, as well as putting together my own thoughts. Do you have a favorite artist whose work reflects their travel experiences? Do you make art when you travel?

2 thoughts on “Art & Travel: Sketching Provence”

    • Thanks for sharing these sketchers, Gayle. Beautiful work!

      I agree, a sketch made on-site can stimulate memories in a completely different way than a photo does. It’s so nice to stop and take the time to draw.


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