It’s been a busy week. I brought work home from one show, hung another show, and found out my art has been accepted into a third show. While updating my exhibitions page, I realized that that makes six times I’ll have exhibited my work this year. Very pleased with that number.
I’ve also been rejiggering my daily schedule, hoping to keep actual studio time from falling through the cracks too often. After reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, I decided to try doing certain important things every day. She makes the argument that it is sometimes easier to commit to doing something every day than, say, every other day, or three times per week. So now I am making a point to spend some time making art every day, even if it’s not for very long some days. I’m doing this in the mornings, in part because I am less likely to skip studio time this way, and also because winter is right around the corner, and the sun doesn’t shine very long into the afternoons here in Edinburgh in the winter months. So far it’s going pretty well, and hopefully I’m on my way to making morning studio time a habit.
For September I’m participating in Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. I love a good challenge to get me to try something new. This time around I’m posting a new painting in my shop each day, paintings that I haven’t offered for sale anywhere before now. They are all new, and some of them are pieces I might not have otherwise gotten around to posting – there are always some paintings that I love but am not sure whether anyone else will respond well to them, so I don’t end up sharing them anywhere. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned during my art career, it’s that people are constantly surprising me with their reactions to my artwork, so it’s usually worth sharing a piece on the chance that it will speak to someone. You can see my growing collection of 30 Paintings in 30 Days here.
Oh, Julie. Your paintings move me every time. They capture the spirit of the place. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy them.
Wow! This painting is beautiful! You are so creative and talented. Congratulations on getting this hung at the library. 🙂