This was an exercise in figure proportions. I am usually very impatient when I create art, so it was good for me to slow down and take some time to make sure I was getting the proportions more or less correct. I love having assignments to do. I am already behind in my online class – there’s just such a juicy amount of material each day, and unfortunately I have other obligations distracting me this week and next. I plan to catch up and stay on schedule during the second half of the month. I can’t wait to have large stretches of time to devote to improving my drawing skills. It will feel like such a luxury.
Lovely study. I enjoy your drawings. I can relate to enjoying long periods of creative expression. I sometimes find myself up all night with my paints and paper bits. EnJOY!
I love the dark areas you added behind the figure. It makes it so much more salient. It looks like you nailed the proportions. I’m a little envious, I can’t do figures at all. Visiting from AEDM.
This is incredibly gorgeous. Your proportions are wonderful. The shading is perfect, and the pose is awesome. Can you tell I like it?
Thank you all for your lovely comments. AEDM is so much fun. 🙂