Today was some quick figure drawing using this website. It’s a fantastic resource for drawing practice, showing you new photographs of posed models at timed intervals. Not quite as good as a life drawing class, but a decent substitute.

I enjoyed the shorter poses more than the longer ones. I found myself getting too fidgety with the 5-minute drawings. Perhaps I should have been working larger.

Love the movement in these sketches. You are doing something I wish I could just begin to do so therefore, oh so inspiring. THANK YOU for posting these!
Thank you, Julie! Glad you enjoyed them.
Thank you so much for the Drawing website link! I am also working to improve my knowledge of drawing the figure. Currently going through the Charles Brague plates and the Andrew Loomis drawing guide. Likewise, I’ve discovered that slowing down is proving to be a meditative process spilling over in many other creative areas. In case someone hasn’t seen these resources, here are links to free downloads:
Charles Brague plates:
Andrew Loomis: Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth:
All the best in your daily drawing project!
Thanks for sharing these, Gayle. Looking forward to checking them out.