It has been over two months since my husband died. I am through the worst of the paperwork and other post-death responsibilities, and my life is starting to get molded into its new routines and habits.

I got a kitten so I don’t have to come home to an empty apartment. She likes to play in my studio. It’s just a matter of time before I find inky footprints all over the flat.

Last year I committed to an exhibition at the Central Library here in Edinburgh for this coming August. I had thought of cancelling, but realized that having it on the horizon gave me something positive and manageable to work towards this summer. My work has changed a lot since I signed up for this show, so the theme of the exhibit will probably be very different from my original plan. I’m trying not to worry about that too much, instead just allowing my work to go where it wants to go. I have a couple more weeks before I have to settle on a title.

I’m loving your work — and the cat. I’m sure that not only will the inky footprints are all over the flat, but that the cat’s fur features some new colours.
Lots of hugs….